Introducing Calendar View for Simulations and Physical Tests

Many of us would agree that calendars play an important role in our day-to-day life aiding in tracking events, staying on top of task completion, etc. Calendar in d3VIEW helps keep track of Simulations and Physical tests records created by users in an organized manner. How to access Calendar: All the simulation and physical test…

January 12, 2023 | by

Image Annotations

Simlytiks application in d3VIEW converts raw data into descriptive analytics using a variety of visualizers to facilitate a quick understanding of the data and to aid in decision making. Among the library of visualizers, one that belongs to the category of InfoGraphics is the newest addition called Image Annotator. It is one of the powerful…

September 17, 2021 | by

Storing and Viewing Scientific Data in d3VIEW

d3VIEW being a data-to-decision platform, houses many applications. Database is one among them where we can organize large amounts of data including scientific data such as curves/images/movies/etc. Main features of the Database application include Creating a database & organizing large volume of imported data Visualizing data Exporting data 1. Create Databases With and Without Importing Data…

September 14, 2021 | by