Generic DOE Data Analyzer Workflow now available in d3VIEW


When we have a dataset on hand, it is often of our interest to run a quick analysis and get some insights. The analysis usually includes making predictions of a new dataset, grouping records, identifying important features, and optimization. We can achieve these goals by building a machine learning model...

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Study of Machine Learning Parameters for Robustness


NOTE: Robustness reported in this article is being revised with corrections in derivative calculations. Updated results will be published shortly from these corrections. Introduction A natural approach of understanding an unknown model is to get some sample points from the model and use these points to build a response surface...

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Apply Simulated Annealing on a curve to find the optimum


Similar to the dataset_simulated_annealing_optimizer worker, which takes a dataset as input, we can consider the curve_simulated_annealing_optimizer worker. It takes a curve as input and returns the optimal y value of the curve as output. A curve can be considered as a dataset with two columns with each representing one coordinate...

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Simulated Annealing with Polynomial Regression


Simulated annealing Simulated annealing is an optimization method to find the global optimum of the objective function. It is inspired by the process of metal annealing which heats the metal to a very high level and cools down in a controlled manner. In the SA algorithm, a random point is...

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Compare curves with Dynamic Time Warping


Given two curves, a baseline and a candidate curve, how do we know how similar they are to each other? In machine learning, it is common to compare the predicted values (candidate curve) of a testing set to the true values (baseline curve) by RMSE (Root Mean Square Error). By...

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Choose Machine Learning Models With Cross Validation


Machine learning techniques ( are becoming unprecedentedly popular. And it plays an important role in data analysis. It is critical to find the model that demonstrates the best performance. Intuitively, we can build a few different models with the data given and see which model gives the best score, either...

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Workflow Provider: Execute Workflows within a Workflow


d3VIEW has a new worker called ‘Workflow Provider’ which allows us to execute other workflows we may have saved on the platform within the current one we are building and executing. This saves us time from rebuilding parts of a workflow that can be taken from an already built one....

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Text Parameterize GUI: A Workflow Tool to Parameterize Input Files


The new ‘Text Parameterize GUI’ worker helps to create machine generated designs by providing a simple to use interface to parameterize any part of a text file. Examples of such applications include single stage Design of Experiments, Sensitivity Analyses, Multi-stage Optimization and for generic machine learning problems. Locate the ‘Text...

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Multi-objective optimization with Pareto front


Optimization Decisions are made based on preferences. Either it is to minimize the monthly expense for a person living with a tight budget or to maximize the revenue of a restaurant for a business owner, we need to consider our preference or criteria (minimize or maximize) to form a solution....

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