d3VIEW isn’t just a general data mining and visualization platform. It caters to specific industries and concentrations, enhancing and accelerating product design. Crashworthiness, the pinnacle of vehicle safety and an important element in vehicle design, is no stranger to the platform. Featured below are some tools d3VIEW has specifically designed for crashworthiness.
Crash Workers
The Workflows application uses a plethora of workers to employ for complicated business tasks (over 900 if we’re counting). Some are precisely coded for crash simulations with the most prominent as follows.

Contact Duration Curve Worker: Returns all contact forces.

Pre and Post Crash Curve Worker: Computes the pre-post crash using coordinates.

IIHS Intrusions Curve Worker: Computes the IIHS intrusion based on the seat and the measuring points.
Read about some of our other workers here.
Crash Visualizers
The Simlytiks application has over 40 different basic and advanced visualizations for charting important data. The following visualizers are clearly created for crash testing analysis.

Ped Pro Table Visualizer: Illustrates pedestrian protection impact points.

Survival Space Visualizer: Illustrates pre and post crash curves.

IIHS Intrusions Visualizer: Illustrates the IIHS intrusions based on vehicle locations.
Learn about our favorites visualizers here.
Crash Templates
The Templates application uses no-code or low-code data integration for extraction more information and deeper meaning from data. The subsequent crashworthiness templates are d3VIEW’s most used and useful.

Load Case Templates: Extracts and integrates data based on load case testing.

Crashworthiness Instrumentation: Extracts and integrates data based on instrumentation nodes, parts, elements and forces.
Read more about data extractions here.