d3VIEW supports material calibration and storage of calibrated materials in a scientific database native to d3VIEW. Once materials are stored in the database, d3VIEW supports filters to search and retrieve the materials of choice.
Recently, we have been working on supporting visual selection through “Brushing” – a term often used to describe the ability to drag-and-select interested data points directly in a visualizer. Examples of such brushing include dragging-and-selecting curves when viewing ‘Engineering Stress vs Strain’ or dragging along a dimension in a ‘Parallel Chart’ as shown in the images below.

One new visible feature is the ‘Envelop’ option in Scatter Plot or Bubble Chart. In this multi-dimensional plot, the X-axis, Y-axis, bubble-size, bubble-color can be driven by any data as shown in figure below.

To support grouping of data, a new ‘Envelop By’ is now supported that can collect all bubbles belonging to a group and then draw an Envelope to visually indicate the groups. In addition, each of the “envelops” can be colored by other criteria to further help associate data visually as shown below.

The new Envelop feature will be available in the newer versions of d3VIEW starting October 2022.