A multitude of ways to explore and interpret data promises numerous roles that do the exploring and interpreting. Just about every field and discipline uses data to supplement, advance or clarify decisions. At d3VIEW, we have room for them all with specialization for engineers and scientists. Here, we’ve put together a list of our main roles with some basic descriptions of what they can do on the platform.

Test Engineer
Test engineers create and perform real-world examinations of products and prototypes. Once they acquire data from their experiments, they can upload it onto the platform for analysis.
d3VIEW Test Engineer activities include:

Simulation Engineer
Simulation engineers create and perform virtual tests through technical code. Their simulations can be submitted and processed on the platform.
d3VIEW Simulation Engineer activities include:

Data Scientist
Data scientists specialize in managing and mining data. They can use special technology, such as workflows on the platform, to perform data analysis.
d3VIEW Data Scientist activities include:

IT Systems Admin
IT systems administrators configure and coordinate software. They have access to the admin menu on the platform to manage these aspects.
d3VIEW IT Systems Admin activities include:

Custom Role
Custom roles can be created by an admin to fit specific projects or needs.
d3VIEW Custom Role options include:

For information on the industries d3VIEW supports to match these roles, please navigate to this page.